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  • OUR VALUES | Gaudin L Charles Mi

    Valè nou yo Valè nou an incorpore nan lanmou Bondye ak sentete ak fason nou kapab egalman afekte kominote nou an lè nou janti ak dezenterese nan relasyon nou avèk yo. Nou bay Bondye priyorite nan tout sa n ap fè epi nou mete l an premye nan aktivite nou yo. Nou bay moun anpil respè e yo ve epi espere mennen yo nan limyè Bondye a. Mete Bondye an premye epi renmen Bondye Nou renmen Seyè a, Bondye nou an, ak tout kè nou. Se poutèt sa, nou fè l 'figi santral la nan tout sa nou fè ak panse. Entegrite & Onètete Grasa pouvwa Bondye, nou vin yon moun ki onèt ak entegrite de pli zan pli. Nou pasyone pou nou viv yon lavi ki gen Bondye nan resanblans Kris la, sovè nou an. Respè & Lanmou Nou gaye Levanjil Kris la avèk lanmou ak respè. Nou gen relasyon ak tout moun ak lanmou Bondye. Leve kanpe pou sa ki dwat epi pa fè konpwomi (espesyalman pawòl Bondye a Nou gen konviksyon solid nan pawòl Bondye a epi nou pale de laverite Bondye avèk kouraj. Se poutèt sa, nou kanpe pou sa ki dwat san defo oswa konpwomi. Otantisite & Senplisite Pou viv yon lavi nan senplisite ak otantisite kòm vrè kretyen. Epi montre lanmou san kondisyon ak sentete nan lavi chak jou nou. READ MORE

  • OUR VISION | Gaudin L Charles Mi

    Our Vision Our overarching vision is grounded in a profound commitment to spreading the transformative message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every corner of the globe. We aspire to not only share the teachings of Christ but also to ignite a flame of inspiration within individuals, urging them to willingly dedicate their lives to a deeper understanding of the triune nature of God. ​ Central to our vision is the earnest desire to elucidate the profound significance of the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We aim to illuminate the path of salvation, guiding individuals towards a genuine belief in the redemptive power of Christ's sacrifice. Through our endeavors, we seek to rescue the souls of unbelievers from the impending peril of perishing, leading them towards a transformative journey of repentance. ​ Our mission extends beyond mere conversion; we are dedicated to assisting individuals in forging a profound and enduring connection with God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We envision a world where lives are wholly dedicated to the principles of faith, and believers walk a path of redemption, having been liberated from the shackles of sin's penalty. ​ In our pursuit, we aim to instill a profound sense of hope, assuring believers that they are not only redeemed but also qualified to partake in the ultimate resurrection when the Trumpet Sound heralds the triumphant return of Jesus. Our vision encapsulates a world where the transformative power of faith transcends boundaries, fostering a global community of believers who anticipate the glorious resurrection with unwavering faith and joy. READ MORE

  • OUR TEAM | Gaudin L Charles Mi

    Ekip nou an Ekip nou an fèt ak moun ki gen krentif pou Bondye ki angaje yo pou montre grandè Bondye; pran angajman lè yo itilize don yo pou sèvi manm Kris la, pou yo administre fidèlman favè Bondye a sou divès fòm li; angaje nan menm objektif la ki gaye Levanjil lanmou Bondye a bay chak kreyatè epi kenbe Legliz Bondye a ansanm. READ MORE

  • About Us | Gaudin L Charles Mi

    Biyografi Gaudin Charles Menm jan ak evanjelis Ameriken Billy Graham, tankou evanjelis franse Fernand Legrand, ak/oswa tankou evanjelis espayòl Luis Palau; Si te gen yon nonm ki te gen lavi konplè sou tè a, ki te viv yon lavi akonpli epi Bondye te fè konplè nan swasanndisis ane sèlman, se te Gaudin Louis Charles! ​ Gaudin Charles se te yon Evanjelis byen koni nan peyi ki pale kreyòl. Li te fèt nan Quartier Morin, Ayiti, nan dat 22 desanm 1943, defen mesye ak madam Gracius Charles. Li te grandi ak paran li nan Ouanaminthe nan laj li byen bonè jiskaske li te deplase nan vil Okap pou l kontinye edikasyon li epi pandan li te ale lekòl nan Okap, li te abite ak fanmi Thervacus (Dodo) Romain ki te trè byen konnen nan pwotestan ayisyen an. kominote. Nan ane 1963, Gaudin te rankontre yon enjenyè radyo Meksiken/Ameriken yo te rele Mardy Picazo, ki te prezante l nan Radio 4VEH epi ki te mande l pou l okipe emisyon rezo a. Li te atire nan ministè radyo a, kote li te travay pou l vin yon pwodiktè pwogram nan estasyon an epi finalman te vin Direktè a paske li pa t jis wè Radyo 4VEH kòm yon travay men kòm yon ministè. ​ Nan yon laj byen bonè, Gaudin te fè yon gwo chwa pou regilyèman aktif nan rive jwenn moun pou Senyè a. Kit ann Ayiti kit atravè lemond atravè Radyo 4VEH, li te gen anpil demann pou l al preche e anseye pawòl Bondye a. Li te yon manm aktif nan Gideons International ak nan plizyè okazyon, li te Prezidan lokal Kan Gideon nan Okap. Li te pami fondatè "Emmaus Vocational Bible School of Haiti", ki kounye a se "Emmaus Biblical University of Haiti". Gaudin te yon zanmi serye pou kèk moun. Pou lòt moun, li te yon kòlèg respekte e pou anpil moun, li te yon vwa inplakabl ak pasyone pou pawòl Bondye yo. Pasyon li pou preche Levanjil la, pawòl Bondye yo, atravè mond lan te evidan nan egzanp lavi li, ak pratik li yo. Li te yon semans nòb sou bon tè ki bay rezilta, Li jèmen ak grandi ekselan pou pwodui fwi bèl ak presye. Anpil moun te di, "ki yon onè ak yon privilèj pou konnen nonm sa a" e an reyalite, li te. ​ Nan dat 23 desanm 1972, Gaudin te marye ak amoure li a, Christiane Marcelin pou l te vin youn epi bèl inyon yo te beni ak de pitit gason etonan: Gary ak Ronald. Yo te marye pou 48 ane ak lanmou ak konfyans kòm fondasyon maryaj yo e ki te soutni yo pou yo andire tèt yo epi yo te viv yon bèl lavi kè kontan jiskaske apèl gloriye l 'yo. Maryaj gen li obstak men nan tout sa Gaudin te yon gwo mari pou madanm li Christiane ki merite pou yo imitasyon. Pou pitit gason l yo, Gaudin te yon bon egzanp sou wòl patènèl ki dekri nan liv Pro. vèb 22:6. Idealman, li te akonpli pawòl Bondye a ki di, "Antre yon timoun nan chemen li ta dwe ale, menm lè li fin vye granmoun, li pa pral kite li." Li te antrene pitit gason l yo nan domèn biblik e li te gide yo atravè tout sa yo fè depi yo piti jiska laj granmoun. Li te tankou glas nan je Bondye pandan li te vivan toujou. Li wè bèl atribi Bondye yo nan pitit li yo e li te konnen jan yo te chè e ki gen anpil valè pou Bondye, kidonk li te ede yo viv reyalizasyon sa a. Li te yon papa ki te konprann enpòtans disiplin pou timoun yo e an menm tan, pa janm konpwomi lanmou papa l pou yo. ​ Gaudin te tou yon edikatè vre ki gen pasyon pou edikasyon ka fasil wè nan fòm li. Li te byen obsève bagay sa yo, li te koute kesyon ak istwa, epi li te dekouvri ki enterè ki genyen nan aksyon sa yo epi li te kreye opòtinite pou moun yo eksplore enterè yo ak pasyon yo. Li te yon manm fondatè Ecole Biblique & Professionnelle Emmaus; yon lekòl li te angaje tèt li avèk pasyon pou pwogrè li epi li te sipòte li ak pouvwa li, tan, ak lajan li pandan tout lavi li. Lekòl la, grasa favè Bondye, toujou ap pwogrese jiska jodi a. ​ Gaudin te viv yon lavi lidèchip egzanplè pandan y ap sou tè a. Li te konprann sa ki mande pou yon lidè ak responsablite ki tache ak li. Li te gen kouraj, disipline, ak detèmine pou reyalize nenpòt travay prezante l ', kèlkeswa ki jan gwo oswa piti li ta ka. Ki sa li te kwè, ki jan li te viv ak panse an tan reyèl yo te lye nan lavi li. Idantite Bondye te ba li a te ba l yon kontwòl eksepsyonèl sou fason moun yo wè aksyon l yo, e li te gen yon kapasite san parèy pou l avanse kòz Bondye san pè. Li te konpòte l jis, li te renmen mizèrikòd e li te mache avèk imilite devan Bondye. Li se yon nonm entegrite epi tou yon gwo nonm senplisite, Li pa janm fè djòlè, pa janm montre, men konsantre sou enpak sou moun ki bò kote l '. ​ Ki sa ki ka akonpli nan yon moun òdinè ki fè konfyans nan yon Bondye ekstraòdinè? Gaudin dekouvri posiblite yo kontinuèl! Antanke yon gwo òm Bondye ki te genyen entegrite pèsonèl ak espirityèl, lafwa li ak obeyisans rapid nan apèl Bondye a se egzanplè. Li te yon disip devwe Bondye nan tout fason ki te aksepte kòmandman l yo ak kè kontan, li pa t ap viv pou bagay lavi sa a men pou letènite, epi li te sèvi Bondye volontèman lè l te ofri tout richès li yo. Li te youn nan animatè fim Lavi Jezi, ki te fèt nan lang kreyòl la. Li te bay tan li ak vwa li, doublaj pou “Jezi Film”, jwe wòl “Jezi” ki popilè nan peyi ki pale kreyòl, sitou nan monn ayisyen an. Fim nan se te youn nan premye kalite kòm videyo a te fè an 1982. Li gen enpak li, nan kou, ede moun konekte fasil ak istwa Jezi a ak bati relasyon yo ak Bondye. Mèsi Bondye fim nan te kapab reyalize rezilta li yo, menm jouk moman sa a. ​ Non sèlman Gaudin te preche levanjil Kris la nan tout peyi Dayiti, li te vwayaje tou nan mond lan pou preche Levanjil la. Apre sa, li te vin etabli Ozetazini ansanm ak madanm li epi li te pran sèvis ansèyman Levanjil la nan plizyè peyi, tankou Lafrik. Predikasyon ak ansèyman l te gen yon enpak sou lavi moun. Li te konnen ki jan pou l leve kongregasyon an pandan tout sèmon li a e li te byen konn ide chanjman lavi yo. Gen anpil nanm ki te jwenn benefis grasa ministè l, e moun ki konnen l yo kapab temwaye sa. Anplis de sa, kèlkeswa rezilta oswa enpak li te espere reyalize, li te asire ke li pa fè konpwomi Levanjil la. Objektif final li se te ede moun yo viv yon lavi akonpli pandan y ap fè eksperyans kwasans espirityèl nan tou de legliz la ak tèren yo nan lavi li. ​ Dapre Eklezyas 3:1-8, Gen yon tan ak yon sezon pou tout bagay. Pase yon moun ou renmen an se yon eksperyans inivèsèl, epi chak moun pral fè eksperyans pèt oswa dezespwa nan kèk pwen nan lavi yo. Li se yon pati inevitab nan sik lavi moun ak malerezman, li se apèl Gaudin a, nan ki li te reponn. Lè yo rele yon kwayan lakay li, se paske objektif Bondye pou kwayan sa a fini e Bondye nan lanmou li ak sajès li vle kwayan sa a avèk li nan glwa. Se poutèt sa, nan apremidi 27 out 2020 a laj de 76 ane, li te ale ak Seyè a. Pèt li sou tè a se yon gwo benefis pou li nan syèl la READ MORE

  • New Page | Gaudin L Charles Mi

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  • Full Story | Gaudin L Charles Mi

    Biography of Gaudin L. Charles Just like the American Evangelist Billy Graham, like the French Evangelist Fernand Legrand, and/or like the Spanish Evangelist Luis Palau; If there ever was a man whose life was complete on earth, lived a fulfilled life and made complete by God in only seventy-six years, it was Gaudin Louis Charles! ​ Gaudin Charles was a well-known Evangelist in Creole speaking countries. He was born in Quartier Morin, Haiti on December 22nd, 1943 to Mr. and Mrs. Gracius Charles. He grew up with his parents in Ouanaminthe in his early age until he moved to the Town of Cap Haitian to further his education and while attending school in Cap, he resided with family Thervacus (Dodo) Romain who were very well known in the Haitian Protestant community. In the year 1963, Gaudin met a Mexican/American radio engineer named Mardy Picazo, who introduced him to Radio 4VEH and asked him to handle the network's broadcast transmitters. He was drawn to the radio ministry, where he worked his way up to become a program producer in the station then ultimately became the Director as he did not just see Radio 4VEH as a job but a ministry. At an early age, Gaudin made a great choice to regularly be active in reaching people for the Lord. Whether in Haiti or throughout the world via Radio 4VEH, he was very much in demand to go preach and teach the word of God. He was an active member of the Gideons International and on several occasions, President of the local Camp of Gideon of Cap Haitian. He was among the founders of the “Emmaus Vocational Bible School of Haiti,” that is now “Emmaus Biblical University of Haiti.” Gaudin was a dependable friend to some. To others, he was a respected colleague and for many, he was an unrelenting and passionate voice for the words of God. His passion for preaching the Gospel, the words of God, across the world was evident in his life examples, and practices. He was a noble seed on good soils that bear results, He germinated and grew excellently to produce pleasant and precious fruits. Many people have said, "what an honor and a privilege to know this man" and indeed, it was. On December 23rd, 1972, Gaudin got married to his sweetheart, Christiane Marcelin to become one and their beautiful union was blessed with two amazing sons: Gary and Ronald. They were married for 48 years with love and trust as the foundation of their marriage and that has sustained them to endure themselves and lived a beautiful happy life until his glorious call. Marriage has it hurdles but in it all Gaudin was a great husband to his wife Christiane which is worthy of emulation. To his sons, Gaudin was a good example of the paternal role described in the book of Proverbs 22:6. He ideally fulfilled the word of God that says, "Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old, he will not depart from it." He biblically trained his sons and guided them through all their doings from infancy until adulthood. He was like the mirror of God's eyes while he was still alive. He sees the beautiful attributes of God in his children and he knew how dearly and precious they were to God so he helped them live that realization. He was a father that understood the importance of discipline for children and at the same time, never compromised his fatherly love for them. Gaudin served for 50 years with Radio 4VEH in Haiti. the first and the most powerful radio broadcasting in the Caribbean with thousands of listeners from 1950 ‘til now. One of the listeners, was the late Fidel Castro. During 1950 and 1991, Radio 4VEH was airing programs simultaneously in different channels and languages on Medium waves and Short waves. 4VEH was broadcasting in 6 different meter bands reaching the whole world. In 1973, Gaudin and his wife (Christiane) attended Azusa Pacific University, in California by OMS International. He obtained a BA in Business Administration and MBA in Management. Upon his return to Haiti, he was installed as General Manager on May 3rd, 1977 and became the first Haitian obtaining the position. 4VEH. While tirelessly working aa a GM for the radio and his preaching engagements, he earned a law degree. He spent 19 years working tirelessly for the radio's progress where he introduced several new programs over 4VEH such as: “Chan Special” (Special Songs,) “Qui, Pourquoi, Comment” (Who, Why, How,) “Ecole du Dimanche” (Sunday School,) “Musique et meditation” (Music and Mediation,) “Voyage Interplanetaire” (Interplanetary Journey,) “Note Explicative” (Explicative Note) and many others. He introduced the Kreyol (Creole) News Broadcast over Radio 4VEH. In 1982, he conceived the idea of having an FM. Not only he was the Director of Radio 4VEH but also he has his own radio show/program – Ecole du Dimanche (Sunday School) and Qui, Pourquoi, Comment (Who, Why, How.) During and after his tenure at Radio 4VEH, many souls have been accepted Christ into their lives. Gaudin was also a true educator whose passion for education can be easily seen in his lifestyle. He carefully observed doings, listened to questions and stories, and discovered what interest lies in those actions as well as created opportunities for people to explore their interests and passion. He was a founding member of Ecole Biblique & Professionnelle Emmaus; a school he committed himself passionately to for its progress and supported it with his power, time, and money during his lifetime. The school, by the grace of God, is still progressing till today. Gaudin lived an exemplary leadership life while on earth. He understood what is required to be a leader and the responsibility attached to it. He was courageous, disciplined, and determined to achieve any task presented to him, irrespective of how big or small it might be. What he believed, how he lived and thought in real time were inextricably linked in his life. His God-given identity gave him exceptional control over people's perceptions of his actions, as well as an unrivaled capacity to advance God's causes without fear. He behaved justly, loved mercy, and walked humbly before God. He’s a man of integrity and also a great man of simplicity, He never bragged, never showed off, but focus on impacting people around him. What can be accomplished in an ordinary man who trusts in an extraordinary God? Gaudin discovered the endless possibilities! As a great Man of God who possessed both personal and spiritual integrity, his faith and prompt obedience to God’s call are exemplary. He was a devout follower of God in every manner who joyfully accepted His precepts, living not for the things of this life but for eternity, and voluntarily serving God by freely offering all of his riches. He was one of the facilitators of the Life of Jesus movie, which was done in the Creole language. He gave his time and his voice, dubbing for the “Jesus Film”, playing the role of “Jesus” that is popular in Creole speaking countries, especially in the Haitian world. The movie was one of the first kind as the video was done in 1982. It has its impact, of course, to help people connect easily with Jesus' story and build their relationship with God. Thank God the video was able to achieve its result, even till this moment. Not only did Gaudin preached the gospel of Christ throughout Haiti, he also traveled the world to preach the Gospel. He later came to settle in the USA along with his wife and from there take up the ministration of teaching the Gospel to several countries, including Africa. His preaching and teaching had an impact on people's lives. He knew how to uplift the congregation throughout his sermon and was well-versed in the ideas of life change. Many souls have been benefited as a result of his ministry, and those who know him can attest to this. Plus, regardless of the outcome or impact he hoped to achieve, he made sure he did not compromise the Gospel. His ultimate goal was to assist people in living a fulfilled life while also experiencing spiritual growth in both the church and the arenas in his lifetime. According to Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, There is a time and season for everything. The passing of a loved one is a universal experience, and every person will experience loss or despair at some point in their life. It is an inevitable part of man's life cycle and unfortunately, it is Gaudin's call, in which he has answered. When a believer is called home, it is because God's purposes for that believer are over and God in his love and wisdom wants that believer with Him in glory. Therefore, In the afternoon of August 27th, 2020 at the age of 76 years, he went to be with the Lord. The loss of Gaudin from earth is a huge gain for Heaven. READ MORE Contact Us First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting!

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