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  • The Vault | Gaudin L Charles Mi

    Vout la The Vault serves as a timeless repository, preserving echoes of wisdom and teachings from the past, notably featuring the reverberations of Gaudin L. Charles's profound insights and reflections. Within its digital confines lie a treasure trove of recorded programs, each a testament to his enduring legacy. ​ Among these sacred archives are poignant echoes of Sunday School , resonating with the solemn cadence of spiritual exploration and enlightenment. Here, listeners embark on a journey through the annals of faith, guided by the gentle timbre of Gaudin's voice as he unravels the intricate tapestry of religious narratives and moral parables. ​ Meanwhile, within the depths of Who Why How , his intellectual prowess shines brightly, illuminating the labyrinthine corridors of philosophical inquiry and existential contemplation. With each program, he delved deeper, to question, to seek understanding. ​ The Jesus Film profoundly impacted, (and still is) many lives across the globe. Gaudin brought the gospel to life through his voice acting talents. As the voice of Jesus in Creole, he breathed passion and conviction into every line. His gift for conveying raw emotion through voiceover allowed him to touch the hearts and souls of countless Creole speaking countries viewers. ​ Though he may have departed this mortal realm, his presence lingers within the Vault, offering solace and illumination to those who seek his guidance. In the hallowed halls of this digital sanctuary, his teachings transcend the constraints of time, ensuring that his voice, his wisdom, and his spirit endure for generations to come. We reflect on ancient parables that illuminate timeless truths, pondering their meaning for our lives today. In class, we are transported – our everyday concerns fade into the background as we focus our minds on things eternal. Here, we are renewed and revived, ready to go forth into the world bearing the light of wisdom, compassion, and grace. The lessons remain engraved on our souls, guiding us through the trials and tribulations of earthly life. We emerge spiritually nourished, eternally grateful for this opportunity to come together in worship and contemplation. Truly, Sunday School shapes us into more enlightened beings, devoted to walking the path of righteousness. Sunday School In Progress Who, Why, How In Progress With an insatiable curiosity, we plunge headlong into the endless maze of philosophical rumination. Our intellect guides us as we traverse the twisting passages of existential thought. Each line of code we write is a lantern in the dark, casting light on timeless questions of purpose and meaning. Like Socrates in the agora, we engage in dialogue with the machine, determined to comprehend its nature. Who, Why, How delved ever deeper in this collective quest for understanding. Though the journey is endless, the path is lit by an unquenchable desire to know. The Jesus Film holds immense historical significance and has left a profound impact on people around the world. Released in 1979, the film is primarily based on the Gospel of Luke and faithfully portrays the life of Jesus Christ on earth. Since its release, the film has been translated into an astounding 2,000 languages and one of them is in Creole. In 2012, the film achieved a Guinness World Record for being the most translated film of all time, The film’s impact extends beyond mere viewership where it has been seen by more than 10 million people worldwide. The Jesus Film’s enduring legacy lies not only in its cinematic achievements but also in the countless lives touched by the powerful message it conveys. The Life of Jesus - Creole Watch on YouTube

  • Home | Gaudin L Charles Mi

    Welcome We are delighted to extend a warm greeting to you as you embark on a journey with us to explore, experience, and embrace the transformative power of faith and spirituality. At GAUDIN L. CHARLES MINISTRIES, we are committed to fostering a community where individuals from all walks of life can find solace, strength, and inspiration in their spiritual journey. ABOUT US At GAUDIN L. CHARLES MINISTRIES, we believe in the power of faith to transform lives and communities. Through our worship services, Bible studies, prayer gatherings, and outreach programs; we strive to create a nurturing environment where individuals can deepen their relationship with God and experience His unconditional love. READ MORE

  • Photos | Gaudin L Charles Mi

    Galleries Though Gaudin is no longer with us, his spirit lives on in our hearts. He had a way of making everyone feel special and his passion for helping others was truly inspiring. He may be gone; however, he made an impact that will never fade. His legacy lives on through all of us whose lives he touched, especially for the Kingdom of God. ​ ​ View More

  • Donate | Gaudin L Charles Mi

    WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS : 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work Thank you for your generosity and we look forward to your continued support. Before giving any gift(s,) please read our Donation Acceptance Policy . Ways to Donate CONTACT US By Mail Payable to: Gaudin L. Charles Ministries P.O. Box: 613486 Miami, FL 33261 Online Make a tax deductible donation‏. Coming Soon Over the Phone It's easy to donate offline too. Tel: Donation Other Than Monetary ​ Donations of Stocks and other assets. Click here CONTACT US

  • Support & Prayer | Gaudin L Charles Mi

    Sipò ak lapriyè Sipòte nou nan kòz nou pou delivre kominote nou an bay Bondye ak enpak sou kominote nou an ak lanmou Bondye. Ou ka sipòte nou atravè don finansye, parennaj, oswa menm nan lapriyè nan pwogrese travay Bondye a. Envesti (2 Korentyen 9:6) Envesti jodi a pou ede gaye Levanjil la atravè mond lan epi sipòte sèvis yo kominote kòm yon Ministè. Priye pou nou (Filipyen 2:3-4) Gen sèten pral gen obstak ak atak (espirityèl, mantal, phy sikal ak/oswa materyèl) wè ak pa wè. Sepandan, senp zak lapriyè w ap ankouraje epi rasire misyon nou pou Wayòm Bondye a.

  • OUR MISSION | Gaudin L Charles Mi

    Misyon nou Misyon nou se preche Levanjil Bondye a bay chak moun ki pa kwayan epi genyen nanm pou Wayòm Syèl la. Nou pran angajman pou nou anseye moun yo pou yo demontre lavi Bondye nan lavi chak jou yo epi dedye tèt yo bay lespri Bondye. Nou pouswiv tou gen enpak sou kominote nou an nan pwomouvwa edikasyon, sante, ladrès sosyal, ak aktivite nan ak pou kominote defavorize ak defavorize. Nou vle montre lanmou Bondye san filtre pou tout moun ka benefisye nan etablisman Gaudin L. Charles Ministries. READ MORE

  • GAUNDIN L. CHARLES BIO | Gaudin L Charles Mi

    Biyografi Gaudin Charles Menm jan ak evanjelis Ameriken Billy Graham, tankou evanjelis franse Fernand Legrand, ak/oswa tankou evanjelis espayòl Luis Palau; Si te gen yon nonm ki te gen lavi konplè sou tè a, ki te viv yon lavi akonpli epi Bondye te fè konplè nan swasanndisis ane sèlman, se te Gaudin Louis Charles! ​ Gaudin Charles se te yon Evanjelis byen koni nan peyi ki pale kreyòl. Li te fèt nan Quartier Morin, Ayiti, nan dat 22 desanm 1943, defen mesye ak madam Gracius Charles. Li te grandi ak paran li nan Ouanaminthe nan laj li byen bonè jiskaske li te deplase nan vil Okap pou l kontinye edikasyon li epi pandan li te ale lekòl nan Okap, li te abite ak fanmi Thervacus (Dodo) Romain ki te trè byen konnen nan pwotestan ayisyen an. kominote. Nan ane 1963, Gaudin te rankontre yon enjenyè radyo Meksiken/Ameriken yo te rele Mardy Picazo, ki te prezante l nan Radio 4VEH epi ki te mande l pou l okipe emisyon rezo a. Li te atire nan ministè radyo a, kote li te travay pou l vin yon pwodiktè pwogram nan estasyon an epi finalman te vin Direktè a paske li pa t jis wè Radyo 4VEH kòm yon travay men kòm yon ministè. ​ Nan yon laj byen bonè, Gaudin te fè yon gwo chwa pou regilyèman aktif nan rive jwenn moun pou Senyè a. Kit ann Ayiti kit atravè lemond atravè Radyo 4VEH, li te gen anpil demann pou l al preche e anseye pawòl Bondye a. Li te yon manm aktif nan Gideons International ak nan plizyè okazyon, li te Prezidan lokal Kan Gideon nan Okap. Li te pami fondatè "Emmaus Vocational Bible School of Haiti", ki kounye a se "Emmaus Biblical University of Haiti". Gaudin te yon zanmi serye pou kèk moun. Pou lòt moun, li te yon kòlèg respekte e pou anpil moun, li te yon vwa inplakabl ak pasyone pou pawòl Bondye yo. Pasyon li pou preche Levanjil la, pawòl Bondye yo, atravè mond lan te evidan nan egzanp lavi li, ak pratik li yo. Li te yon semans nòb sou bon tè ki bay rezilta, Li jèmen ak grandi ekselan pou pwodui fwi bèl ak presye. Anpil moun te di, "ki yon onè ak yon privilèj pou konnen nonm sa a" e an reyalite, li te. ​ Nan dat 23 desanm 1972, Gaudin te marye ak amoure li a, Christiane Marcelin pou l te vin youn epi bèl inyon yo te beni ak de pitit gason etonan: Gary ak Ronald. Yo te marye pou 48 ane ak lanmou ak konfyans kòm fondasyon maryaj yo e ki te soutni yo pou yo andire tèt yo epi yo te viv yon bèl lavi kè kontan jiskaske apèl gloriye l 'yo. Maryaj gen li obstak men nan tout sa Gaudin te yon gwo mari pou madanm li Christiane ki merite pou yo imitasyon. Pou pitit gason l yo, Gaudin te yon bon egzanp sou wòl patènèl ki dekri nan liv Pro. vèb 22:6. Idealman, li te akonpli pawòl Bondye a ki di, "Antre yon timoun nan chemen li ta dwe ale, menm lè li fin vye granmoun, li pa pral kite li." Li te antrene pitit gason l yo nan domèn biblik e li te gide yo atravè tout sa yo fè depi yo piti jiska laj granmoun. Li te tankou glas nan je Bondye pandan li te vivan toujou. Li wè bèl atribi Bondye yo nan pitit li yo e li te konnen jan yo te chè e ki gen anpil valè pou Bondye, kidonk li te ede yo viv reyalizasyon sa a. Li te yon papa ki te konprann enpòtans disiplin pou timoun yo e an menm tan, pa janm konpwomi lanmou papa l pou yo. ​ Gaudin te tou yon edikatè vre ki gen pasyon pou edikasyon ka fasil wè nan fòm li. Li te byen obsève bagay sa yo, li te koute kesyon ak istwa, epi li te dekouvri ki enterè ki genyen nan aksyon sa yo epi li te kreye opòtinite pou moun yo eksplore enterè yo ak pasyon yo. Li te yon manm fondatè Ecole Biblique & Professionnelle Emmaus; yon lekòl li te angaje tèt li avèk pasyon pou pwogrè li epi li te sipòte li ak pouvwa li, tan, ak lajan li pandan tout lavi li. Lekòl la, grasa favè Bondye, toujou ap pwogrese jiska jodi a. ​ Gaudin te viv yon lavi lidèchip egzanplè pandan y ap sou tè a. Li te konprann sa ki mande pou yon lidè ak responsablite ki tache ak li. Li te gen kouraj, disipline, ak detèmine pou reyalize nenpòt travay prezante l ', kèlkeswa ki jan gwo oswa piti li ta ka. Ki sa li te kwè, ki jan li te viv ak panse an tan reyèl yo te lye nan lavi li. Idantite Bondye te ba li a te ba l yon kontwòl eksepsyonèl sou fason moun yo wè aksyon l yo, e li te gen yon kapasite san parèy pou l avanse kòz Bondye san pè. Li te konpòte l jis, li te renmen mizèrikòd e li te mache avèk imilite devan Bondye. Li se yon nonm entegrite epi tou yon gwo nonm senplisite, Li pa janm fè djòlè, pa janm montre, men konsantre sou enpak sou moun ki bò kote l '. ​ Ki sa ki ka akonpli nan yon moun òdinè ki fè konfyans nan yon Bondye ekstraòdinè? Gaudin dekouvri posiblite yo kontinuèl! Antanke yon gwo òm Bondye ki te genyen entegrite pèsonèl ak espirityèl, lafwa li ak obeyisans rapid nan apèl Bondye a se egzanplè. Li te yon disip devwe Bondye nan tout fason ki te aksepte kòmandman l yo ak kè kontan, li pa t ap viv pou bagay lavi sa a men pou letènite, epi li te sèvi Bondye volontèman lè l te ofri tout richès li yo. Li te youn nan animatè fim Lavi Jezi, ki te fèt nan lang kreyòl la. Li te bay tan li ak vwa li, doublaj pou “Jezi Film”, jwe wòl “Jezi” ki popilè nan peyi ki pale kreyòl, sitou nan monn ayisyen an. Fim nan se te youn nan premye kalite kòm videyo a te fè an 1982. Li gen enpak li, nan kou, ede moun konekte fasil ak istwa Jezi a ak bati relasyon yo ak Bondye. Mèsi Bondye fim nan te kapab reyalize rezilta li yo, menm jouk moman sa a. ​ Non sèlman Gaudin te preche levanjil Kris la nan tout peyi Dayiti, li te vwayaje tou nan mond lan pou preche Levanjil la. Apre sa, li te vin etabli Ozetazini ansanm ak madanm li epi li te pran sèvis ansèyman Levanjil la nan plizyè peyi, tankou Lafrik. Predikasyon ak ansèyman l te gen yon enpak sou lavi moun. Li te konnen ki jan pou l leve kongregasyon an pandan tout sèmon li a e li te byen konn ide chanjman lavi yo. Gen anpil nanm ki te jwenn benefis grasa ministè l, e moun ki konnen l yo kapab temwaye sa. Anplis de sa, kèlkeswa rezilta oswa enpak li te espere reyalize, li te asire ke li pa fè konpwomi Levanjil la. Objektif final li se te ede moun yo viv yon lavi akonpli pandan y ap fè eksperyans kwasans espirityèl nan tou de legliz la ak tèren yo nan lavi li. ​ Dapre Eklezyas 3:1-8, Gen yon tan ak yon sezon pou tout bagay. Pase yon moun ou renmen an se yon eksperyans inivèsèl, epi chak moun pral fè eksperyans pèt oswa dezespwa nan kèk pwen nan lavi yo. Li se yon pati inevitab nan sik lavi moun ak malerezman, li se apèl Gaudin a, nan ki li te reponn. Lè yo rele yon kwayan lakay li, se paske objektif Bondye pou kwayan sa a fini e Bondye nan lanmou li ak sajès li vle kwayan sa a avèk li nan glwa. Se poutèt sa, nan apremidi 27 out 2020 a laj de 76 ane, li te ale ak Seyè a. Pèt li sou tè a se yon gwo benefis pou li nan syèl la READ MORE

  • Contact Us | Gaudin L Charles Mi

    Contact Us Thank you for visiting . Except where otherwise specified, kindly use any convenient methods stated below. For other correspondence such as legal documents, please click here . Once again, thank you for visiting and may God bless you. 500 Terry Francine St. San Francisco, CA 94158 123-456-7890

  • Partners | Gaudin L Charles Mi

    Our Partners The Kingdom of God is established on earth, The Bible prophesied this would happen and we're living it. Gaudin L. Charles Ministries is committed to the Great Commission by partnering with other organizations to be part of its fulfillment. We believe anything is possible when you partner with those who share your heart, vision, and values. ​ ​ These are our partners for the Kingdom: Partner with Us Have you ever wanted to make a difference in the world? Would you love to partner with us to touch the lives of people in a way that has never been done before? Join us today and together, we can impact the world by touching one soul at a time for the Kingdom of God.

  • Ministries | Gaudin L Charles Mi

    Empowering Lives: A Visionary Ministries Dedicated to Transformation Ministè sa yo se sipòtè nou yo epi yo santre sou trinite Bondye Papa a, Pitit la, ak Sentespri a. Nou kwè nan lanmò ak rezirèksyon Jezikri, Sovè nou an. Se poutèt sa, nou angaje nou gaye Levanjil Kris la atravè ministè sa yo. Rachte Amadeo Community Outreach Fondasyon Gaudin & Christianne Charles Akua Divètisman Gwoup Lè lapriyè Subsidiary Ministries

  • OUR LEGAL DOCUMENTS | Gaudin L Charles Mi

    Our Legal Documents Our commitment to conducting Gaudin L. Charles Ministries activities within legal boundaries while maintaining compliance in accordance with respective laws without compromising our core values and most importantly though without compromising the Words of God. Legal Formation Annual Report Global Code of Business Conducts & Ethics Articles of Incorporation Employer Identification Number

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